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Final Project Pitch (checkpoint 0)

How to submit your final project pitch

Due: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 3:00:00 PM

As mentioned on Piazza, your final project pitch is due at the start of class on Wednesday of next week. Please submit your pitch on Gradescope using the shell available in this repository.

Important things to remember:

  • You don’t actually get any points for submitting this, but it’s a deadline to help you stay on track with coming up with a project idea and project team.
  • Submit your Gradescope assignment with your team for the final project. The system should allow you to choose your own teammates for the group submission.
  • Make sure you include the repository URL in the The way that Gradescope works, we don’t actually see what repository you are uploading from.
  • Please make sauravjoshi and kaytwo collaborators on your repository if it’s private and you want our help. Also remember to push your code if you ask a question about how to get something to work.
  • Making your repository public is totally fine, asking others in class for help is totally fine. You won’t be penalized either way. All code must be your own. GenAI assistance is OK, but let us know which one(s) you used and how you used them.

Project proposal required sections

What is the unique thing that your application does?

What makes it different than a CRUD app? I.e., what functionality does it provide that is not just a user interface layer on top of a database of user information,and the ability to view / add to / change that information?

What security and privacy concerns do you expect you (as developers) or your users to have with this application?

Project complexity

Imagine you are doing a final project all by yourself in another class that requires 4 solid weeks of nothing-else-for-that-class work - that is 1 unit of complexity. My rough expectation is something like:

  • 1 person: 1.5 units
  • 2 people: 1.5 units
  • 3 people: 2.25 units
  • 4 people: 4 units