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Final Project checkpoint 1

System architecture, tech stack, and MVP functionality description

Due: Monday, September 25, 2023 at 3:00:00 PM

By the due date your team must:

  • Set up CI to host the built version of your team GH repository
    • Include a link to your deployed app in so that I can take a look
  • On the deployed website, include a diagram (excalidraw preferred but you can use whatever) of your tech stack:
    • What services you will use to host (front end, back end, database)
    • What technologies you will use on the front end and back end
    • What APIs you will call out to
  • Include a short textual description of what MVP (minimum viable project) you will be aiming to complete by the end of Checkpoint 2.
    • If you have any questions about whether your MVP is reasonable, please ask on Piazza or in office hours.

This checkpoint is meant for keeping you moving forward on your project, and is not graded for points toward your final grade. However, if you don’t submit this on time, I will be grading everything based on your pitch, regardless of whether you ended up adding that to your plan or not.