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Final Project checkpoint 2

System MVP and demo

By Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:00:00 PM, you must:

  • Turn in a snapshot of your repository that includes a link to your deployed app in this can be your main app URL, or a branch deploy.
  • Include a description of what your app currently does
  • Ensure that a brand new user of the app can sign up, log in, and use those features
    • If you need to manually grant developer permissions (i.e. for using an API, I know Google and Spotify both require this), please reach out to us before turn-in and ask us which username we will be signing up with.
  • Optional but helpful - include a screencast that shows your current functionality in action. I should be able to run the app myself when I visit it though.

The entire final project is worth 15% of your grade. This deliverable is worth 5% - the final deliverable will be worth 10%.